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Textures (2376)

Stone building feature
Stone building feature

Stone Architecture close-up

Solid stone wall
Solid stone wall

Close-up on a stone wall

Coloured bricks background
Coloured bricks background

Coloured bricks wall

Stone-material wall
Stone-material wall

Textured brick wall

Exterior building made of granite
Exterior building made of granite

Close-up of granite wall

Old-fashioned brick wall
Old-fashioned brick wall

Old-fashioned brick wall pattern

Solid brick Wall
Solid brick Wall

Stone pattern wall

Granite wall
Granite wall

Fortified wall made of stones

Block-stone-shaped structure
Block-stone-shaped structure

Stone wall in gray natural stone shaped in blocks

Stone, coloured wall
Stone, coloured wall

Coloured stone facade

Stone structure
Stone structure

Building structure made of stone

Stone Facade
Stone Facade

Granite wall

Golden wall
Golden wall

Golden old stone wall

Cardboard texture
Cardboard texture

Cardboard texture

Texture of a wall plaster
Texture of a wall plaster

Texture of a wall plaster

Old plaster wall relief
Old plaster wall relief

Old plaster wall relief

Old surface of cement wall
Old surface of cement wall

Old surface of cement wall

Old surface of cement and brick texture
Old surface of cement and brick texture

Old surface of cement and brick texture

Wall texture with double plaster
Wall texture with double plaster

Wall texture with double plaster

Cement pavement eroded by water. Cement texture
Cement pavement eroded by water. Cement texture

Cement pavement eroded by water. Cement texture

Wood texture with natural pattern
Wood texture with natural pattern

Wood texture with natural pattern

Drops of dew on the plank of wood
Drops of dew on the plank of wood

Drops of dew on the plank of wood

OSB (oriented strand board) plywood texture
OSB (oriented strand board) plywood texture

OSB (oriented strand board) plywood texture

OSB (oriented strand board) plywood texture background
OSB (oriented strand board) plywood texture background

OSB (oriented strand board) plywood texture background

White wood texture background
White wood texture background

White wood texture background

Wood rustic wall texture
Wood rustic wall texture

Wood rustic wall texture

Antique wood texture background
Antique wood texture background

Antique wood texture background

Blue wooden background texture
Blue wooden background texture

Blue wooden background texture

Painted old wooden wall (red background)
Painted old wooden wall (red background)

Painted old wooden wall (red background)

Painted old wooden wall (gray background)
Painted old wooden wall (gray background)

Painted old wooden wall (gray background)


Professional photos and vectors with
commercial rights.