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Results (21)

Romanian rituals performed by participants with bells, sticks and drums making noise to dispel the malevolent spirits. Deafening noise. A fire blast from a old cannon brought to the winter festival. Authentic traditional from Romania Old army cannon brought to the winter festival. Authentic traditional from Romania Romanian rituals performed by participants who make-it noise to dispel the malevolent spirits. Bear Dance being the most popular Bar-Drinks-Stock-Graphics-11 Keep silence and say nothing Keep silence and say nothing Keep silence and say nothing Keep silence and say nothing Keep silence and say nothing Keep silence and say nothing Keep silence and say nothing Keep silence and say nothing Keep silence and say nothing Keep silence and say nothing Keep silence and say nothing Worried woman stock photo Worried woman stock photo Confused and scared woman puts her hands on the head, isolated o Confused and scared woman puts her hands on the head, isolated o  Woman closing her ears with fingers.


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